Aug 8, 2023Liked by George MF Washington

I've always thought underlying issue of the strike was the TV/Movie world was changing and nobody is quite sure what it is going to look like in 5 years let alone 10. Hell streaming is different today that it was 2 or 3 years ago. It is hard to make a fair deal (and everybody's idea of fair is different) when nobody knows what the future is going to be.

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going to post this and then subscribe. As I promised, just late. Been busy.

Movies are the hardest of all art forms because of the complexity. For a movie to be great everything, and I do mean everything has to work just so. Script, cast, director, editing (especially the editing) filming, sound, the hundred of people whose name you don't recognize as the credits zoom by at warp speed. If one of those things is not so good you can still have a good movie, but not a great one. If several are off the movie can be enjoyable to watch but not great or maybe not even so good.

The writing is a part but no more so then the others. It's the starting. The foundation or the hole that the foundation is poured into, but that's it.

The trouble with the writing is it's all the same. Take Superman which you brought up. Superman has been around since the 1930's and has a entire slew of villains. A cast of 100's. But in a Superman movie, what you do you get. Lex Luthor,, and in the reboot, Lex Luthor, and in the reboot of the reboot, Lex Luthor. Probably in the boot of the next reboot of the previous reboots., Lex Luthor. In the JLA movie they had someone else, not great movie but at least it had that. Substitute Batman and The Joker and same thing.

The reason AI looks good to the studios is it's just what they are getting now from the writers. Second verse, same as the first!

Usually the only thing different. in the James Bond movies is the Bonds. haven't I've seen this movie before? Probably yes. You kind of expected that in Westerns. Till it changed.

There are a lot of stories out there that would make ( I think) good movies. Commercially viable?? Another story.. But what do we get from the studios. Mostly woke nonsense that no one goes to see. Hello Disney, hello, hello Warners, hello! It's a rare movie that actually makes any money and it seems that both the studios and the writers don't want to write the ones that do.

The movies that you mentioned are the great ones. But when I look around at what the studios are producing. I'd go with AI

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Interesting that you mention making a Superman movie script via AI. I think a lot of the fuss around Man of Steel was that it had elements to deconstruct and play >against< the tropes that the comics and past movies had introduced.

If a writer got an AI treatment using the tropes and then produced the script for Man of Steel, I wonder if it would have been green lit? Or would it have been canned due to the studio not wanting to pay him for an original?

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